Random Notes

By Rhonda Westfall

A final salute to the Grand Old Gal, and other tidbits of interest

Motorists passing through downtown St. Johns on M-21 last Wednesday morning probably wondered what in the world was going on.

Obviously, all those people with their noses pressed against wire fencing looking toward a big building in the middle of the block were waiting for something to happen, but what?

It was a curious sight.

What we were all waiting for, of course, was the demolition of the Clinton County Courthouse. After all, it's not every day that a 130-year-old landmark building falls apart before your eyes. It did not come with a crashing boom, but piece by piece it dropped quite gracefully to the ground below - slowing and methodically returning to its individual components of brick and mortar, steel and concrete.

And still, the people stood and watched throughout the remainder of the day - and the day after that, and the day after that. They drifted away to go about routine chores, returning at different times to check on the progress that huge Caterpillar was making.

Perhaps they were paying tribute to the Grand Old Gal that had graced their County Square for so many years; or maybe they were simply nosy. It really makes no difference - certainly not to the building that disappeared slowly before our eyes.

There is a certain measure of comfort, though, in believing that their presence was one of respect, and not idle curiosity. In a throw-away society where people and things are discarded with ease, it was nice to pause for at least a moment last week and say a private good-bye to a sturdy friend.

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Other brief thoughts on items of importance - at least to me.

*For up to the minute photos of the courthouse project, check out the St. Johns Independent web site at www:sjindy.com The Indy's archives contain lots of full color pictures of the courthouse demolition, and all the other important news of the week.

* Congratulations to the St. Johns Lions Club on its Golden Anniversary! We know the Lions and Lionesses will thoroughly enjoy themselves at their 50th anniversary bash - they know how to work hard at community projects, but it also seems like they've got a pretty good grasp on how to have fun. Best wishes.

* It's about time to load up Mom and Dad and head off on our annual "color tour." The urge is pretty strong to travel through the North Country - especially on this Friday morning which is dawning bright and clear after two days of cold, overcast skies. There's nothing I'd like better than to be enroute to Charlevoix right now - not sitting here banging away on a keyboard. Such is life.

* For those of you who have expressed interest in the status of Scott and my weekly wager, I finally did win one on that absolutely wonderful game between the Wolverines and the Spartans. Okay, I admit it wasn't exactly the most well-executed, it was still a win - and I'll take it.

After all, I've got a lot of ground to make up - Scottie's doing pretty well this year.