Random Notes

By Rhonda Westfall

New granddaughter is blessed - and a blessing

One person was completely oblivious to the hoopla around the return to space last week of a real American hero, John Glenn.

Gwedolyn Paige Gaffney was sound asleep, blissfully unaware of space travelers - or pretty much anything else for that matter. But, at just five-days-old, her interest in more important matters - like food from Mom, a dry bottom from Dad, and peaceful slumber - were easily understood.

Besides, as a new granddaughter, she can do just about anything she wants in my book. I'm sure there's no argument about that from her other grandparents, Jerry and Janice McCarrick and David Gaffney - and probably even the new parents themselves, Brent and Anndrea Gaffney. Just like any other grandparents, parents - and great-grandparents - feel about their offspring, we all think Gwendolyn is pretty much perfect. Dark brown hair that surely will be curly; rosebud mouth and button nose; and perfect miniature ears, she's simply beautiful - a living miracle.

I'll make no excuses for wanting to share just a fraction of the joy we're all feeling on the birth of little Gwendolyn. After all, it's a participatory experience, one that is enjoyed by millions of people world-wide - although for many the life that follows is too often filled with pain and suffering rather than happiness and fulfillment.

Along with a prayer for Gwendolyn and her parents every night, petitions arise for all little children everywhere who do not know the love and well-being that are hers today and always.

And, although it may be entirely unrealistic, an additional plea is made that she will not encounter the tragedies which have transpired in the years between that first orbit of Earth back in 1962 and Sen. Glenn's flight into space 36 years later.

Please, no more assassinations of presidents and national leaders; never again young Americans returned to their native land in flag-draped coffins from far-off lands; let civil strife and bloodshed in our nation's streets be purely a lesson in history books, not a nightly news report.

May she both blessed - and a blessing.