Random notes

By Rhonda Westfall

Santa scoop

Rhonda and SantaJolly Old Elf gives info on Christmas gifts

Did you ever wonder what a friend - or not-so-friend - asked Santa to put in their Christmas stocking?

Well, yours truly got the lowdown from the Jolly Old Elf himself on some pretty interesting requests from folks around good old St. Johns. And, being a "scoop" reporter, I'm passing the tidbits on to our readers.

First off, Lawrence Witt wants more of those "columns like you used to read" in the St. Johns Reminder. Santa came through for the Riley Township resident with today's installment.

Mike Kaminski begged Saint Nick to send a new Rotarian who can carry a tune - any song at all will do. This was a challenge for Santa's elves, but they delivered with Barry Dean and Ron Huard in costume singing a rousing rendition of "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer." Readers can guess what new Grandma was honored with their serenade.

Flying monkeys were on the list of St. Johns Chamber Director Linda Curtis. Rumor has it she's sending the Wizard of Oz creatures out in advance of monthly luncheon meetings to round up stray members. All the Clinton County and St. Johns City Commissioners wanted Santa's elves to dig a really, really deep hole at the head of Clinton Avenue. In reality, they are NOT going to build a new Courthouse there, but are working hand-in-hand with the Olympic committee to bring the 2020 games here and need the site for a swimming pool. There is no truth to the rumor that they bribed Olympic members with barrels of mint.

Catherine Rumbaugh asked Santa to bring visitors to the Museum this year - ditto for Kaye Pilmore at the Avenue Gallery. He said he'd try.

Bingham Township officials and the Clinton County Drain Commissioner want peace - at their meetings, not necessarily for all the Earth. This appears to be beyond Santa's abilities.

The entire staff of the St. Johns Reminder requested pay increases for 1999. Santa thanked the group for providing him with a good laugh during his hectic pre-holiday schedule, adding their wish would come true "when reindeer really fly."

Our beloved Scottie Smith asked Santa for a new hockey equipment. Saint Nick obliged with a stick and a stone.

Jim and Jim, two illustrious St. Johns citizens who are part of an equally fine monthly euchre club here in town, wanted back door passes to Spiral in Lansing's Old Town. Santa agreed on the condition that dashing duo give him a full report of their experiences at the unique club.

The "Intrepid Linkster" Jerry Harte asked for another hole-in-one this golfing season. Santa laughed.

Ruth Nihart sent a request for help in re-opening the Sugar Bowl. Santa said this could easily be accomplished - in exchange for weekly treats from the old candy counter.

And finally, this writer asked Saint Nick to find a nickname for the person who labeled her with "Scoop" in recent months. Like everyone else, Santa doesn't have a clue what Ben Munger really does for a living, and so could not provide an occupational handle.

Best wishes for a Blessed Holiday Season - from Santa and me.