Rhonda's Notebook

By Rhonda Westfall

On perspective, and Valentine's Day

It's amazing what perspective can do.

Looking at people, places, or issues from a vantage point that is different than usual can open up a whole new reality.

For example, viewing foundation work at the new Clinton County Courthouse from somewhere above ground level - like the roof of the county administration building (that's the "old" county jail building that stood behind the "old" courthouse).

Even though it's only a couple stories up, the roof provides a clear shot of workers scurrying around the big hole, driving the heavy earth-moving equipment and positioning the massive foundation walls of the new courthouse. Only the north wall has yet to be completed, so the visual footprint of the building is clear from the elevated perspective. Surprisingly, the actual perimeter of the building itself appears rather small looking down from above, but, of course, that's where perspective comes into play again.

When the final structure stands in all its glory, hopefully sometime early in 2000, the four-story structure will loom over the surrounding landscape. It certainly won't seem tiny then.

I can hardly wait to take a trip up to the top of the clock tower when that time comes - and gain a whole new perspective of the vistas that view will provide.

I should probably mention that the escapade to the roof of the old jail was not a solo venture. Jean Martin, the "Indy Lady," rode shotgun - actually, she was carrying a video camera.

For yet another perspective of the construction work at the courthouse, browsers will want to check out the St. Johns Independent site at www:sjindy.com. Jean's "Your Eyes on the Courthouse Square" photo series has documented week-by-week progress at the courthouse site, beginning with the demolition last fall and continuing on to the Grand Opening - whenever that takes place.

The Indy archives contain just about anything you'd want to know on the courthouse project - and lots of other good stuff, too, for that matter. It's a fun perspective on local news.

This being Valentine Day and all, I had originally planned on using this space to send mushy messages of affection to a list of folks who have been sweet to me during the past year. In thinking it over, I realized I was setting myself up for tons of verbal abuse by a certain co-worker if I followed through on that plan.

Scottie would be quick to point out that the number of friends I have is quite limited, due to my ornery disposition, etc., etc., etc.

So, the Valentine idea was dumped.

Instead, I'm sending special heart-shaped wishes to the two most lovely Valentines I know - my Mom, Marcella Kloeckner, and my little granddaughter, Gwendolyn Gaffney.

At not quite four-months-old, Gwendolyn doesn't have a clue what all this hearts and flowers stuff is about, but she's a real-life cherub with her chubby cheeks and cute little smile. We all love her. As for my Mom, no words can express what she means to our family. In our mind, she is the perfect wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother - in addition to being the best friend and neighbor to anyone she's ever come in contact with.

Gwendolyn gets lots and lots of hugs and kisses - Mom doesn't get nearly enough. So, today, here's a hug and kiss from all of us to you, Mom - the most special Valentine in our world.