Random Notes

by Rhonda Westfall

On a road rest stop, the News, and Gwendolyn

For those of you who were planning on taking a ride through Bingham Township this week, the 'County Road' tour is making a pit stop.

Just pretend we're parked along M-21 at one of the picnic tables that used to be located between St. Johns and Fowler years ago. At least that's how an 'elder' friend remembers the M-21 roadway - I'm way to young to know about that, of course.

We'll begin our journey again next week - and Bingham Township is still the destination.

We also appreciate the many positive comments we've received on the County Road series. Maybe it's the fact that so many residents still have ties to the rural nature of Clinton County, or perhaps it’s the bits and pieces of historic information contained in each article - whatever the reason, we're grateful that you're enjoying it.

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A big reason for the rest stop on the road this week is to make room for other news and feature articles here in the News. This particular issue provides lots of variety.

Be sure to check out Dave Hill's feature on sleep disorders. It's surprising how many people deal with problems related to this most basic human function. Maybe you’re one of them - the answer to your problem could be in Dave's story.

CCN Editor, Lynn Sutfin, has the lowdown on another tragic business fire in our neighboring community of Elsie. We are confident the community will rise to meet the challenge and emerge even stronger than before.

DBR staffwriter, Lou Monticello, had the unhappy task this past Thursday of covering a potential school tragedy - the bomb that was found at DeWitt High School. The question remains in all our minds - when will the violence end?

And, although it's tough to admit, yours truly thoroughly enjoyed listening to MSU mens basketball coach Tom Izzo speak at the Fowler Knights of Columbus Father-Son Breakfast. Even though he's a Spartan, the UP'er had some good comments which we hope you enjoy reading.

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On a totally personal note, I must take advantage of the opportunity this column provides to wish Happy Birthday to the most special 1-year-old in the galaxy. Gwendolyn Paige Gaffney celebrates her first birthday today, October 24.

When she arrived all pink and pretty a year ago this morning, I could never have imagined the absolute joy she would create. Her smile is contagious - guaranteed to lift my spirit and bring cheer to the most dreary day.

I know I speak for her other grandparents, Dave Gaffney and Jerry and Janice McCarrick - and for all parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents for that matter - in attesting to the fact that the mysteries of the universe are revealed in the eyes of a child.

I had forgotten the child-like wonder that exists in the simple pleasure of sitting on the grass - and examining each blade as it is pulled from the ground - or watching birds fly through the air on magic wings. What does she think about as she so intently considers each object?

Gwendolyn has put life back into its proper perspective.

We all love you very, very much.