Friendship of local lady's group spans nearly 40 years

Shared experiences create bond among 'Busy Bees'

By Rhonda Westfall

Amid much laughter - and an assortment of yummy potluck dishes - the 'Busy Bees' met once more last week, just as they have for the past 40 years.

Originally a weight-loss group, the camaraderie that developed among the local ladies quickly exceeded the stated goal of shedding a few pounds. It's those bonds that developed from the shared experiences of group members that continues to bring the long-time friends together on a bi-annual basis.

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Gathering to pose for a picture. Seated (l. to r.) are the four remaining charter members,
Doris Nichols, Bernice Wohlfert, Helen Smith, Ardella Peck.
Middle Row: Doris Powell, Jean Gibson, Betty Ruswinckel, LaRene Smith.
Back row: Arlene Waltz, Jerry Phillips, Linda Lyon

"It's just a good group of people," says the hostess of last week's 'Spring Gathering,' Helen Smith - who celebrated her 88th birthday May 3 and is one of the four remaining original 'Bees' along with Bernice Wohlfert, Ardella Peck, and Doris Nichols, all of whom nod their heads in agreement.

"There's an awful lot of years of friendship in this room," adds Betty Ruswinckel, Bernice's daughter, one of several 'second-generation' members of the group - who might be considered as a charter member.

"I remember coming along with my mother when I was eight years old," Betty says, while another member quips, "I think you had to sit in the corner," - and the whole room explodes in laughter.

There are plenty of those good-natured interchanges among the group of friends during the course of the afternoon, along with reminiscing about the early years when the group first met on a weekly basis at the old Plum School on the corner of Pratt and Airport roads. All of the ladies lived in and around Olive and Riley townships, and many still do today.

"We shared recipes, helped each other with diets - and talked," Bernice says of those early years where the ladies had to pay a nickel for each pound they were short of their weight-loss goal.

Sometimes, those goals were hard to reach, it seems.

"I always said they must have an awfully big treasury," Helen's daughter-in-law, LaRene Smith, says with a laugh. "None of them got really skinny."

Other group members agree.

"Now, we don’t even get weighed in," Ardella says, while someone else makes a comment about who has the scales at their home - and one more round of laughter follows.

The expanse of years has also included a fair amount of less than happy times for the group of friends - and they shared those disappointments and moments of sorrow, too.

"You knew the other members were hurting along with you," Doris says. "You were never alone."

The times of sadness included the loss of ladies who either moved from the area or passed away. The roll call of names includes Virginia Willyoung, Janet Schultz, Billie Paine, Della Cowen, Jean Yanz, Helen Shavey, and Ethel March.

Those who remain continue to gather twice a year: in the fall for a Christmas dinner prior to some members annual trek to warmer climates; and for the 'Spring Gathering,' that features a card-game style of Bingo with prizes brought by each member.

Along with the charter members and LaRene and Betty, the current version of the Busy Bees includes Doris Powell, Jerry Phillips, Jean Gibson, Arlene Waltz, and Linda Lyon.

Heading into their 40th year, the group of friends have no intention of disbanding.

"We'll all keep meeting as long as we can," Helen says with a smile - leaving little doubt that the Bees are still buzzing.