Random Notes

by Rhonda Westfall

On sunsets, vacation fun, and the courthouse fountain

Watching the sun change from yellow, to orange, to a fireball of red - while the western sky behind it also shifts in hue and texture - has always been a favorite time of day for me.

That pleasure is multiplied when the sunset occurs over water.

Seeing the darkening blue of the water while the sun's rays are reflected back in pools of red on the shoreline can be a mesmerizing experience - particularly when the soft 'swish' of waves breaking over the sandy beach is added in.

How peaceful.

It's no wonder I came back relaxed and refreshed this past week after spending some vacation time watching sunsets on the Lake Michigan beach at Charlevoix. It was great.

Time was spent soaking up sunshine, reading on the porch swing at my older son's house that's just two blocks away from the Lake, taking the dogs on walks through the wooded trails at Mt. McSauba, browsing through the plethora of shops in Charlevoix and nearby Petoskey - and, of course, enjoying a daily ice cream cone from one of the sweet shops downtown.

An ice cream cone a day does keep the doctor away, you know.

Fortunately, all that sugar and fat was offset by some rather rigorous exercise. The dogs in this case - Quincy, a muscular Chocolate Lab, and Gus, a lanky and lean Golden Retriever - don't walk on 'walks,' they run. Keeping up is a full-body workout - especially on a hike through the steep wooded hills of the Charles Ransom Nature Preserve that's tucked away off the beaten path between Charlevoix and Petoskey.

A view from the summit of this 80-acre preserve that's managed by the Little Traverse Bay Land Conservancy is spectacular - Lake Michigan and Lake Charlevoix appear in the distance over the tops of the beautiful hardwood forest. I can't wait to walk - or run - there this fall.

Walking was also par for the course - on the course. It so happened that Aaron was taking part in the match play tournament at the Charlevoix Golf Club, and, of course, needed help and advice. Losing in the second round - on a second sudden death hole - was not what the caddy was supposed to deliver, at which point, I became 'Mother' again quite quickly.

All in all, it was a thoroughly enjoyable vacation - browsing the titles on display at the wonderful McLean & Eakin Booksellers, taking a mandatory rest stop for coffee and a deli sandwich at the Roast & Toast next door, picking out a new alphabet puzzle for granddaughter Gwendolyn at the jam-packed Rocking Horse Toy Company - it was great.

And, over much too soon.

Actually, the vacation euphoria lasted into the fourth day back here at work - much to the amazement of the News staff who did not believe I could go that long without whining about something or other. Reality hit abruptly at 10:29 a.m., Thursday, when a call came while I was in the middle of typesetting an inane letter to the editor asking where I was for a photo that I thought was set for 11:30.

As Lynn, the Dawg, and everyone else here can attest, I've been firmly back on the whining track since that time.

No more sunsets over the waters of Lake Michigan - at least for awhile.

Speaking of water - this is a real stretch - we've had lots of folks asking what's up with the fountain at the courthouse.

Or, what's not up, rather.

The fountain is waterless - it's not spouting spray.

Is it broken already, people asked? Maybe someone fell in and the county is being sued? What's the story - inquiring minds want to know.

No, it's not busted, and no one has fallen in - as far as we know, anyway. The fountain has been drained and is being dried out so that a coat of sealer can be applied.

It's final touches like that which are now taking place at lots of spots both inside the building and on the grounds - no major problems, just some finesse work.

The fountain should be bubbling and brimming with water in no time at all.

Then, Lynn and Jim can tell me to take a hike up there and get my water fix whenever I get whiney.

Or, more likely, they'll chain me to the computer in the freezing cold office - while they head out to enjoy the sunshine.
