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On young journalists, AARP - and birthday greetings to Mom

Thank goodness Sarah had a previous commitment this past week and needed to pass on an invitation to talk about the 'news biz' with some young journalists - otherwise, I may have missed a chance to meet a future Pulitzer Prize winner, or even better, a News staff writer

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Needless to say, I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to Jean Pingel's second-grade class at East Olive Elementary School that was arranged by student teacher - and SJHS grad - Sara Smith. What a great way to start the day.

eovisit2_jpg.jpg (36624 bytes)The students were extremely well-behaved and attentive - but full of questions and very responsive. They were a step ahead of me more often than not - especially in my rather lame attempt at explaining how we use computers today in just about every aspect of newspaper production.

No explanation necessary - thank you very much.

Maybe we could get a couple of these budding computer technicians in to work on the Community Newspaper system - or at the very least, give Pres a few lessons on how to use his machine.

Just kidding, boss.

When ever I hear a negative story about young people today, I always wish the audience hearing that report could go into one of our area's classrooms and see the students I have the privilege of writing about on a routine basis. Very rarely do I see a disruptive group of young people or encounter teaching staffs that are less than excellent.

Jean and Sara - and the second graders at East Olive - re-affirmed that positive opinion once again.

Thanks for the reminder of how special our educators and students are here in Clinton County.

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Another invitation came my way last week - a rather unexpected and, I thought, humorous missive.

According to the post card, I have until May 6 to formally enroll as a new member of the American Association of Retired Persons - ain't life grand.

The invitation came with my own personal card that, according to the accompanying fine print, entitles me to "access many benefits" once I've remitted my $12.50 annual dues - a value and a deal.

No malice on my part is intended toward the AARP; it's probably a fine organization - I understand it's a pretty effective lobby - and maybe I'll join up someday.

I do find it amusing, though, that just because I turned 50 this year, I'm eligible to join the ranks of a 'senior' organization. It's even more humorous given the fact that at the rate I'm going in the financial department, I'll probably never be able to really 'retire.'

Guess I could pretend - I do have a blue AARP card, after all.

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Speaking of seniors, I must take a bit of space here to wish Happy Birthday to a lady who remains young in my mind's eye - my Mom. April 17 is the date Marcella Doretta Witt was born 85 years ago.

The name has changed - to Kloeckner - and other features and attributes are clearly different from that cute baby that was born right here in the same house that she lives in today, but many qualities remain constant.

My Mom loves people - she enjoys visiting with just about anyone - and still lends a listening ear to friends and relatives who need "someone to talk to." German to the core, a slight stubborn streak remains evident - I would guess that's always been the case - as does a love of food. She may not cook or bake as much as she used to, but her appetite is as good as ever - and she still enjoys sharing a meal with family and friends.

Following in her footsteps is not a simple task - but it’s a path worth taking.

Happy Birthday, Mom.