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New beginnings at the close of a season

Spring is the usual time of year for 'new beginnings.' Green blades of young grass, leaves budding on trees that have been gray and bare all winter, pretty purple and yellow crocuses breaking through frost-covered earth - all wonderful signs of rebirth and renewed life.

That seasonal clock is rewinding a bit - at least for our family. We're celebrating the end of summer with the birth of a little boy.  Caleb James Gaffney entered the world at about 7:15 a.m., Aug. 25.

caleb_jpg.jpg (14659 bytes)It seems like his arrival is standing Mother Nature on her head - bringing joy to the close of a season and offering added happiness to what has always been my personal favorite time of year. What fun it will be to view the gorgeous autumn leaves and sights and smells of the fall season through the eyes of a new grandson.

Dad and Mom, Brent and Anndrea Gaffney, and 'big sister,' Gwendolyn, are all settling into the routine of every-two-hour feedings, lots of diaper (and clothing) changes - and, of course, minimal sleep. Caleb's sister is already quite the 'little mom,' telling Grandma to "be careful with his head," and reluctantly allowing anyone other than herself to hold him.

Wait until he's 10, creating havoc with a house full of equally rambunctious buddies while his big sister is trying to watch a video or engage in 'girl-talk' with her friends.   There won't be much concern for his "little head" then, I'll bet.

For now, though, he's the apple of everyone's eye - especially my grandparent counterparts, Janice and Jerry McCarrick and Dave Gaffney. We're all very thankful for a safe delivery and the blessings Caleb's life holds as a promise in the coming years.

The same can certainly be said for all the new parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents in Clinton County who are celebrating recent additions to their families. I noticed some familiar names in this week's 'Birth' notices - Bob and Jennifer Baker who delivered another grandchild to Jeff and Julie Silm; Chad and Amanda Feldpausch, adding another name to the Fowler Feldpausch clan; and new members for the families of Ryan and Penny Goerge, and Sandy and John Weber.

We're all sharing in the joy of new life at the close of a season.

How wonderful.