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Bits and pieces of news from here and there - via email mail, snail mail and otherwise

An email message from a friend certainly deserves some ink this week. It seems that the Intrepid Linkster has struck again.

jerry.jpg (4405 bytes)Yep. Jerry Harte carded his second career hole in one - nearly five years to the day of his debut ace.

His email states, " Made another hole in one today!!!! On number 8 at The Emerald - 142 yards into a stiff wind with a 7-iron. Four years, 364 days after my first one, which came Sept. 30, 1997 (on number 4 at The Emerald)."

Since that initial success on the course, he's laid claim to the title of "Intrepid Linkster" that someone who writes for a newspaper gave him in a news brief about his ace.

While that description still has a nice ring to it, another name may be more appropriate to the current place and time - Congratulations, Jerry, you Old Duffer.

There's a good chance that the avid golfer - who also happens to be a pretty fair writer - will share the experience in one of the weekly essays that he produces on his web site,

It's filled with lively homilies that are sure to appeal to all Old Duffers, Intrepid Linksters - and anyone who has a good sense of humor. Check it out.

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A telephone conversation two weeks ago with a beloved former educator was both uplifting - and tinged with sadness.

pocuis_jpg.jpg (21061 bytes)When I called Mr. Pocius at his home in Bradenton, Fla., to get comments for last week's story on Edna Flegler's well-deserved receipt of the Bill Patton Award, he was gracious and accommodating - his comments on the aid that Edna provided as secretary during his lengthy stint as principal of Rodney B. Wilson High School added a wonderful perspective to my article.

Although he was pleased to add his comments to Edna's accolades, it was obvious in the short time that we chatted that his thoughts were elsewhere. He mentioned that his wife, Millie, was "not doing well" and that he and family members were leaving to visit her at the hospital.

Several days later, we received notice that Millie had passed away.

On behalf of all RBW and SJHS alumni, friends and area residents, we extend our condolences to the Pocius family. You are in our prayers.

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Finally, kudos to the cast of this year's Clinton Capers for another outstanding "three night stand" that provided lots of laughs - and some very fine individual performances. The Clinton Memorial Hospital Auxiliary deserves a standing ovation for a job well done - especially on Friday night.

When a power outage caused the lights to go out with three acts left waiting in the wings, some quick thinking was called for.

Building on the old expression of "whistling in the dark," the Capers' emcees and cast drove away the darkness in the SJHS auditorium by singing - aided by audience participation, of course.

A variety of patriotic songs had everyone on their feet - both on stage and off - and provided a great ending to the night's performance.

At least that's how Jeanette Huard described the scene. Thanks for sharing the news tip, Jeanette.