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Very, very random notes
Green grass, blue skies, brown dirt and other colorful subjects

Things you think about when you’re mowing the lawn.

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How many hours over the course of a summer does the average American spend seeding, fertilizing and watering their grass so that they can spend even more time walking behind or riding on a mower to create neatly manicured green space around their homes? Maybe we should revert back to goats – more energy efficient and less costly.

Is it past the point of no return for a decent garden this year? Rain or no rain, seeds and plants are going into the ground this weekend – even if I my feet sink into the mud. It just has to happen.

Wonder what some of my ‘old’ friends are doing – the ones I should keep in touch with because the conversations are so enjoyable, but, somehow don’t make time to call. Heading the list in my head on this beautiful Thursday, June 3, are Bernard Feldpausch and Ken Moore.

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There’s nothing like a telephone call to Bernard to lift your spirits – he always has something to say that somehow manages to be comical and inspirational at the same time. Visiting with Ken is guaranteed to produce some bit of local history trivia, or information on the current business climate for manufacturers. What a pair of sharp gentlemen – I will make time to call them next week.

How nice to ‘bump’ into a couple ladies – both Smiths - within the past week who I used to see on a regular basis, too, but now see only sporadically: Jennie and Jody.

It was always a pleasure working with Jennie during the years she served as Clinton County assistant administrator. Conversations, both at the professional and personal level, are always gratifying.

Ditto for Jody. The subject matter is wide-ranging in conversations with the RAVE executive director and usually includes lots of laughter – quite often at her own expense. Hopefully, the comments made with each of Smith ladies to ‘get together sometime soon’ will materialize.

Thoughts turn to stories I really need to write – ones that I’ve been telling myself I’ll do, but so far haven’t gotten around to: a return trip down ‘Country Roads’ would be fun – one of the most popular pieces I’ve ever written based on the response from readers; a series on the Bridges of Clinton County would also be well received, I think; must republish the history of St. Peter Lutheran Church – anniversary time is fast approaching; with permission from Chris Leavitt, it would be great to print the History of Forest Hill that her mother, Bertha Light, wrote a number of years ago – Bertha, another great lady; and so on and so on – too many story ideas, not enough time.

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Lawn mowing task is completed – sort of. Big brother, Rollie, showed up to finish the job. Actually, he does most of it. Just like Daddy, my brother believes that the lawn has to be mowed to some pretty exact specifications – my work does not always measure up. That’s okay; it’s time to get back indoors and bang away on the keyboard anyway.

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Pretty cool when some very, very random thoughts are fodder for a spur-of-the-moment column.

Hope you all think so, too.