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Bauer Road bridge is at home at Calhoun County Historic Bridge Park

The restored Bauer Road Bridge, an 1880 wrought iron bridge that spanned the Looking Glass River in Clinton County, will be erected May 23 on its new abutments in the Calhoun County Historic Bridge Park.

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Historic Bridge Park, formerly known as "County Park," exists along the Kalamazoo River and Dickinson Creek. This park was considered a "Roadside Park" for many years because of its location, adjacent to F Drive North. Since the abandonment of F Drive North and the creation of Wattles Road and the bridge over the Kalamazoo River, the park is more of a passive recreation area with a scenic overview of the river. 

The Historic Bridge Park offers many passive recreational opportunities such as picnicking, walking/hiking, bike riding, fishing, boating and wildlife observation.

The trailhead for the County Linear Trailway is located within the park. The County Linear Trailway will eventually connect to the Battle Creek Linear Trail as well as the Marshall Riverwalk. The North Country Trail is also associated with this trailway system and is identified by the blue blazes throughout the park.

The most unique aspect of Historic Bridge Park is the restored bridges that exist within it. The bridges are an integral part of the trailway system. The concept of Historic Bridge Park is to rehabilitate historic bridges, which can no longer serve vehicular transportation, to another use such as pedestrian or non-motorized activities. The restored bridges are placed within the park to serve not only as part of a pedestrian path, but also as a "hands on" exhibit of Michigan’s transportation history and the technology of cast iron and steel fabrication.

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The Bauer Road Bridge joins two other bridges that have been fully restored and are residing in the park. The 133rd Avenue Bridge was the first bridge to be restored and relocated to the park. It is originally from Allegan County, Hopkins Township. The 20 Mile Road Bridge is from Calhoun County and is the second bridge to be restored and relocated to the park. The park will have a total of 15 bridges when finished.

The Park is open year round from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. For information visit the Calhoun County Community Development web site at www.cccd.net/departments/parks_hbp.htm