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Do you know these Bengal Center School students?

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Students who attended Bengal Center School in 1934 certainly never imagined that their school photograph would someday be transmitted via a tool called "email," and be published on an "Internet" web site.

Thanks to Justin Schmitz – and technology – that photo is part of this week’s edition.

Although he is not in the photo, three sisters and a brother were all students at the one-room country school that was located near the corner of Francis and Townsend roads in Bengal Township, across the road from the Bengal Township Hall that still stands today.

In his email, Justin wondered how many of the students could be identified by readers – even offering a prize, "maybe a Burger King."

More than likely there are folks who can put the proper names together with the smiling faces in the photo, but for those readers who cannot, the students are as follows: front (left to right), Laura Sturgis, Agnes Schmitz, Mildred Thelen, June Cooper, Ambra Schomisch, Dorothy Sturgis, Stanley Price, Kendal Knight, Stanley Schmitz, Dee Cooper, Leslie Sturgis, Raymond Schomisch, Wayne Crawley. Back: Freda Schmitz, Geraldine Price, Stella Schmitz, Anna Sturgis, Jean Cooper, Germaine Thelen, Dorothy Waltz (teacher), Charles Fox, Otto Thurston, Kenneth Price, Gerald Rossow, Justin Thelen. Dennis Irrer is listed as "absent" on the back of the old photo.

Thanks, Justin, for sharing the photo with Indy readers.