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HIGCUP Scholarship honors memory of Terry and Dennis Henning

By Rhonda Westfall

Terry and Dennis Henning: two young men who had countless dreams but limited time to achieve them; unlimited potential but too few chances to realize it.

That's the memory family members and friends hold close to their hearts of the brothers who were well-liked St. Johns High School alumni - and the legacy they hope to create through the establishment of the HIGCUP Scholarship for SJHS students.

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Terry, born in 1950, was diagnosed with a neuromuscular disease when he was four years old. The disease confined him to a wheelchair by the time he was nine.

"Living at a time when doors were not open as they are today for people with special needs, Terry faced struggles every day just to get dressed, to go to school, to eat, to hold a pencil steady enough to write out his homework assignments ... he struggled just to be one of the guys," his sister, Chris Henning recalls.

Terry attended St. Joseph Catholic School and Rodney B. Wilson High School, where he made many friends before his death at the age of 18.

Dennis, a 1972 SJHS graduate, achieved high grades and acquired a distinct sensitivity for the "little guy."

"He considered everyone he met to be a friend, and was always, first and foremost, a friend to all he met," his sister says. "He volunteered willingly and enthusiastically for many organizations."

He was working as a volunteer for the Adopt-A-Highway program when he was struck and killed. He was 37.

The HIGCUP Scholarship in memory of Terry and Dennis is being offered for the first time to the Class of 2002. The scholarship recipient will be either a graduating senior golfer who will be attending college in the fall, or a graduating senior special needs student. Each year, one scholarship in the amount of $1000 will be awarded.

The scholarship is being established by Ronald and Bernadine Henning, parents of the duo; brothers, Tim, Dan and Steve; sister, Chris; and their families.

"The scholarship seeks to extend their legacies and to help other young people achieve their dreams in their own lifetimes, to fulfill their potential so they, too, might touch others as both Terry and Dennis did," Chris says.

The scholarship name is taken from an annual fun event, the Henning Invitational Classic of Un Professionals, unofficially launched in the early 1980s by the Henning family, and formally established and expanded in the mid-1990s.

Over 80 golfers took part in the 2001 HIGCUP that includes traditional features like long drive and closest to the pin contests - and unorthodox events including appearances by the Grand Mint Marsallette Queenie Bethann and Tractor King Louie the 2nd Klaver.

"It's just a fun time for family, friends and loved ones to gather, to share old memories and create new ones, and to fully embrace the gifts we are given in each other and in the time we have to spend together," Chris says.

"We really appreciate the efforts of Twin Oaks Golf Course in allowing us to hold the HIGCUP there each year."

Fines - and the $1 entry fee - that have been collected over the years were a starting point for the scholarship fund which is augmented by donations from the family.

Information and application forms for the scholarship are available at the SJHS guidance office. The deadline for submitting applications is April 15.

Individuals who want to make a donation to the HIGCUP Scholarship should contact the SJHS Athletic Department or a member of the Henning family.

Information is also available at the HIGCUP web site,