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Found: identities of Chapman School students

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Thanks to responses from area residents, we have the names of previously unidentified students in this photo that appeared in the Jan. 22 issue of the paper. The students are (front, from left) Albert Schultz, William Doham, William Champony Jr., Dow Gillison, Howard Gillison, Joyce Champony. Second row: Johnny Hall, Ronald Hallead, Dale Bissell, Allen Schultz, Stewart Gillison, Harry Shoup. Third row: Lyle Hallead, Dorothy Bissell, Geneive Bissell, Doris Rossow, Dorothy Hall, Beth Love. Back row: Florence Shoup, Esther Irrer (teacher), Brownie Berlin, Howard Shoup, Kenneth Penix. Check out the Random Notes column for information on how the ‘lost’ students were ‘found.’


Who are these kids?

Jean Schultz provided this picture showing students at Chapman School, Bengal-Riley District No. 2, that dates from 1928. The school was located on Centerline Road, between Lowell and Grove Road.

Jean has obtained information on the school and many of its pupils and teachers but is searching for the names of several students in the photo. The students were identified by Lucille Hall, Johnny Hall's sister. She attended Chapman School a few years after the picture was taken.

Pictured are (from left) Albert Schultz, unknown, unknown, Dow Gillison, unknown, unknown. Second row: Johnny Hall, unknown, unknown, Allen Schultz, Stewart Gillison, Harry Shoup. Third row: unknown, Dorothy Bissel, Genieve Bissel (arms folded), Doris Rossow, Dorothy Hall, Beth Love. Back row: Florence Shoup (Harry and Howard's sister), Esther Irrer (teacher), Brownie Berlin, Howard Shoup, Kenneth Penix.

Jean said that Esther Irrer taught for three years, followed by Louise Irrer. Esther married Clyde Hendershot, who ran the tractor dealership in St Johns before Ken Penix took over. One of the early teachers was Celia Maxwell.

The Riley Bengal sign is actually penciled in on the original photo, probably because the sign in the photo could not be read. The brick school was built after the original building was blown down by the 1920 tornado that also ripped into St. Johns and destroyed the railroad depot.

To provide information on the names of the unknown students, email Rhonda Westfall,