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Following is Shipley’s list of the Clinton County Veteran Memorial Roll Call.

Civil War

  • James Abbott
  • George Albert
  • Edwin Ammerman
  • George Anderson
  • Ira Armstrong
  • Abijah Arnett
  • Isaac Ashley
  • Cornelius Austin
  • Marvin Avery
  • Silas Babcock
  • Enos Bachelder
  • Charles Bacon
  • William Bair
  • George Baker
  • William Bannister
  • George Barker
  • William Barnes
  • Albert Bennett
  • Joseph Berry
  • George Besley
  • Edward Bigalow
  • Charles Bigslow
  • Augustus Billings
  • Charles Blanchard
  • John Blanchard
  • William Blesard
  • Oliver Blizzard
  • Henry Bond
  • Charles Bottum
  • Edward Brass
  • Clark Brewer
  • Darroll Brewer
  • Joseph Brink
  • Francis Brinnick
  • Henry Brown
  • Nelson Brown
  • Joseph Bundy
  • Frederick Burk
  • Jonathan Burke
  • Edwin Burrows
  • John Cable
  • Benjamin Caldwell
  • Lewis Carpenter
  • Chauncey Carrier
  • Alphonzo Chant
  • James Chant
  • Samuel Christopher
  • Brazilla Coats
  • John Cobb
  • John Coffman
  • John Cole
  • Samuel Coleman
  • Harvey Cook
  • William Cook
  • Lewis Coon
  • Enos Corey
  • Joseph Coryell
  • James Covel
  • Reason Carven
  • John Crawford
  • James Cronk
  • Charles Cronkite
  • Wallace Cronkite
  • Sheldon Crowell
  • John Culp
  • Jerome Curtiss
  • Robert Daniel
  • Henry Davenport
  • Thompson Davenport
  • John Davidson
  • Samuel Davis
  • William Davis
  • Napoleon DeLong
  • Walter DeLong
  • Myron Demary
  • Simas Densmore
  • Nathaniel Doak
  • Christopher Dodge
  • Leroy Dodge
  • Jacob Dowd
  • Mortimer Doyer
  • Robert Doyne
  • William Dutton
  • William Eaton
  • Newberry Eddy
  • Rodney Eldridge
  • Milton Farmer
  • John Farnsworth
  • Frederick Fifield
  • Richard Finch
  • Elijah Fish
  • Franklin Fish
  • Nicholas Fitzpatrick
  • Lorin Flint
  • James Forman
  • Samuel Fowler
  • David Frost
  • Elias Fulmer
  • Hiram Gardiner
  • Lewis Garland
  • Wesley Garlock
  • Charles Gaskill
  • Levi Gibbs
  • Amos Gillott
  • Ezra Glass
  • Theodore Gleason
  • Daniel Goodrich
  • David Goodrich
  • Clark Gray
  • Cleon Green
  • Horace Green
  • Merrihew Green
  • Willett Green
  • Oscar Groyer
  • James Gunner
  • Elias Haggerty
  • Miles Hall
  • Phillip Hall
  • John Hammond
  • Noble Hammond
  • William Hammond
  • William W. Hammond
  • Abram Hanes
  • Daniel Harrington
  • Henry Harrison
  • Joseph Harrison
  • John Hathaway
  • Joseph Hathaway
  • Benjamin Hause
  • Delos Hayes
  • Samuel Healy
  • John Henderson
  • George Hewitt
  • William Hewitt
  • William Hicks
  • Elisha Higby
  • Bartlett Hill
  • Giles Hill
  • James Himes
  • Peter Hinkley
  • Christian Hiser
  • Samuel Hogle
  • Calvin Holmes
  • Henry Howe
  • Merrit Howe
  • James Hubbard
  • George Huggett
  • William Hughes
  • William Hulse
  • Joseph Humeston
  • John Huntoon
  • Robert Hutchinson
  • William Ingraham
  • George Jameson
  • Hugh Jamison
  • David Jefferies
  • Hiram Jones
  • Isaac Jones
  • Daniel Kelly
  • Samuel Kentfield
  • Lyman Kimball
  • Ali King
  • William Kirby
  • Godfrey Kline
  • John Knapp
  • G. Kniffen
  • Milo Kniffin
  • Hiram Knowles
  • Myron Lattimer
  • Asher Le Baron
  • William Le Clere
  • Charles Lewis
  • George Lewis
  • John Lewis
  • Andrew Linman
  • Herman Lounsbury
  • Walter Love
  • Aaron Lyon
  • Edward Lyon
  • Miles Mansfield
  • Horace Martin
  • Ira Martin
  • William H. Martin
  • William Martin
  • William Massey
  • George McClintock
  • George McDowell
  • William McDowell
  • Samuel McKibben
  • Joseph McPherson
  • Henry McRoberts
  • Horace McRoberts
  • George McVeigh
  • Andrew Mead
  • David Merrihew
  • Calvin Merwin
  • John Meyer
  • Elmer Miller
  • John Moon
  • Nathaniel Moon
  • Mathew Moore
  • Hezekiah Morey
  • Henry Morgan
  • Levi Morgan
  • William Morgan
  • George Morse
  • Chancy Morton
  • Herod Morton
  • M. I. Morton
  • John Mundall
  • John Myer
  • Martin Myers
  • John Neal
  • John Newell
  • Daniel Newson
  • John Newson
  • William Nichols
  • Albert Niles
  • Albert Norris
  • Harry Nutting
  • Gilbert Odell
  • John Owen
  • Adoniram Paine
  • Albert Palmer
  • William Park
  • Albert Passage
  • Richard Pearsall
  • Lorin Peet
  • Lorenzo Phelps
  • Daniel Pierce
  • Lyman Potter
  • Gilbert Pratt
  • Charles Reynolds
  • William Reynolds
  • Layton Richmond
  • Thomas Richmond
  • Jacob Ridenour
  • Charles Robinson
  • James Robinson
  • Henry Rocholl
  • Alexander Ross
  • Nathan Ross
  • Nathaniel Russell
  • Peter Russell
  • Henry Ryan
  • John Sanders
  • Hiram Satterly
  • Walter Scadin
  • Alvin Sears
  • Merritt Seaton
  • Andrew Seckinger
  • Melvin Shaw
  • Thomas Shaw
  • William Sherriff
  • Elihu Sherman
  • William Showeman
  • Harrison Sickles
  • Walter Silvers
  • Adin Skinner
  • Irwin Skinner
  • Charles Smith
  • David Smith
  • Jacob Smith
  • Norman Smith
  • Samuel Smith
  • Oscar Smock
  • Amanuel Smurrh
  • David Sowle
  • James Sowle
  • Reuben Spayd
  • Henry Spears
  • Daniel Spicer
  • William Spillet
  • Smith Stanton
  • William Staunton
  • Daniel Steele
  • Anson Stevens
  • Warren Stiles
  • W. W. Stiles
  • Charles Strickland
  • Chauncey Strickland
  • Samuel Strickland
  • Sylvester Strickland
  • William Strickland
  • Peter Sontag
  • Jerry Sullivan
  • Henry Taylor
  • Samuel Taylor
  • William Thayer
  • Ulrich Thoma
  • John Thomas
  • Zenas Thomas
  • John Thompson
  • Thomas Thompson
  • Whipple Thornton
  • Joshua Thuma
  • David Thurston
  • Asa Tillotson
  • Edward Tinklepaugh
  • Ichabod Towns
  • William Towner
  • Lafayette Townsend
  • Myron Tracy
  • James Travis
  • Uriah Tucker
  • Jerome Turner
  • Moses Tuttle
  • Unknown: 8 Buried at Mt. Rest Cemetery, St. Johns, MI
  • William Vail
  • Charles Valleau
  • Emery Vance
  • Albert Van Alstine
  • Truman Van Deusen
  • James Van Dyke
  • Charles Van Sickle
  • Lyman VanSickle
  • Joseph Van Veckten
  • Joseph Venia
  • Shubael Vincent
  • Clark Vredenburg
  • Delos Vredenburg
  • James Wagoner
  • Darius Waite
  • Luman Waldo
  • Richard Warfle
  • Delos Warner
  • Emory Warner
  • Franklin Warner
  • James Washington
  • Perry Watkins
  • Alexander Watson
  • Edwin Watson
  • Calvin Weller
  • Alonzo Wheeler
  • David Wheeler
  • Samuel Whitlock
  • William Whitman
  • D. Whitney
  • George Whitney
  • Case Wickham
  • Charles Willard
  • Frederick Willard
  • Asa Williams
  • John Wilson
  • Joseph Wilson
  • George Winfield
  • William Wing
  • Thomas Winters
  • Grover Wixom
  • George Woodman
  • Conrad Wresler
  • Charles Wright
  • Elliott Wright
  • Lewis Yeoman
  • Henry Young
  • Stephen Young

Spanish-American War

  • Walter Archer
  • Ed. Baylis
  • Ernest Bowker
  • Albert Severence

World War I

  • Henry Amsbaugh
  • William Bishop
  • Harvey Black
  • G. Marcus Bowlby
  • Irwin Burk
  • Don Casteel
  • Roy Cole
  • Christian Cook
  • Gilbert Coty
  • D. O. Cranston
  • Leonard Crone
  • Lawence Davis
  • Joseph Esch
  • Wayne Foltz
  • Leslie Fromby
  • Glenn Gillett
  • Lester Grove
  • Edward Gruber
  • Glenn Heibeck
  • Don Huffman
  • Lewis Johns
  • Herman Koeppen
  • Charles Magsig
  • Clark McDonald
  • Austin Mix
  • Lloyd Moore
  • Howard Nichols
  • John Paksi
  • John Payne
  • John Pung
  • Harold Rice
  • Orin Riker
  • Howard Scofield
  • John Smith
  • Lyle Smith
  • Edwin Stiles
  • Lawrence Storrer
  • Leo Theis
  • Pearl Tinker
  • Olin Tufford
  • LeRoy Upton
  • Albert Viges
  • Roy Walker
  • Edward Werner
  • Ernest Wilhelm
  • Elmer Witt

World War II

  • Leslie Abbott
  • Leslie Action
  • Donald Armbrustmacher
  • Lawrence Ash
  • Ralph Barber
  • Milton Barrett
  • Alvin Bast
  • Howard Benjamin
  • Earl Benson
  • William Blackmer
  • Leonard Bond
  • Lloyd Brainard
  • Clay Bullis
  • Gilbert Carrasco
  • Warren Clark
  • Dyle Cole
  • Cecil Cooley
  • Maynard Cowles
  • Kenneth Crawford
  • Samuel Cressman
  • Stephen Cummings
  • U. Richard Daniel
  • Clifford David
  • R. Stanley DeGurse
  • Donald Diller
  • Richard Eckert
  • Wesley Edwards
  • Raymond Eiserman
  • H. Charles Espie
  • Archie Falor
  • Clyde Ferguson
  • Earl Fickies
  • James Fillmore
  • Dale Garber
  • Norman Geller
  • Clyde Glumm
  • Francis Graessle
  • Willis Gregory
  • Virgil Hammond
  • D. Alfred Hansen
  • Robert Harris
  • Neal Hatherill
  • Joseph Horak
  • Raymond Horn
  • Don Ingalls
  • Stephen Jakus
  • Charles Johnson
  • Howard Joley
  • Robert Kerr
  • Albert Kesteloot
  • Joseph Kudella
  • Leslie Kunzi
  • Andrew Kurncz
  • Gale Lapham
  • V. Paul Lerg
  • Ernie Lockwood
  • Raymond Loney
  • Richard Lover
  • Billy Maloney
  • Clarence Miller
  • Walter Mitrzak
  • Norman Motz
  • Jack Myers
  • Ronald Myers
  • Berwyn Nicholas
  • Robert Pearson
  • Frank Perrone
  • Howard Petrie
  • Lewis Phillips
  • Werner Pohl
  • Martin Rademacher
  • Joseph Rando
  • Russell Ribby
  • Lynn Rice
  • Francis Richmond
  • Gerald Robbins
  • Robert Rose
  • Roger Rutter
  • James Sandborn
  • Theodore Schafer
  • Merle Secord
  • Donald Seyfried
  • Dale Shillinger
  • Carl Silvernail
  • James Smith
  • J. Russell Spalding
  • Ronald Spitzley
  • Rex Swagart
  • Clayton VanAmburgh
  • Joseph Wallace
  • Glenn Weiland
  • Gordon Willoughby
  • Dale Wolfrom
  • John Wrzesinski


  • Richard Jackson
  • William Jewell
  • Frederick Koshko
  • Norval Murray
  • James Smith


  • William Beardsley
  • Duane Downing
  • Ronald Fitch
  • James LaClear
  • Brent Law
  • Michael Maybee
  • Bernard Newhouse
  • James Peltier
  • Richard Randolph
  • John Ruiz
  • John Sickles
  • Benny Sloat
  • Rocky Snyder
  • Robert Thelen
  • William Wentzel


  • Paul Cassidy
  • Ricky Kieffer
  • Andrew Nelson