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Area residents salute a music legend
Walt Cole Recognition Night Oct. 8


Walt Cole was presented with a framed sample of the current band uniform,
the one he designed 30 years ago.

A true legend in the band program at St. Johns High School found himself on the sidelines  once more during last Friday night’s game between the Redwings and Jackson Lumen Christi.

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Cole’s stint with the band program at St. Johns Public Schools began in 1963. During the years that followed until his retirement in 1985, Redwing bands earned countless accolades and awards – helping to create a legacy that survives today.

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"What made Walt so effective was that he was an excellent musician and really cared about the students," said a former colleague, Bill Tennant – himself a beloved and well-respected ‘retiree’ of the SJ music program.

"Walt put his heart and soul into the program. We had some truly great bands and orchestras back in the ‘70s and into the ‘80s. Wow could they play! Walt and I worked well together and it was an honor to have been a colleague of his. He is highly respected not only in our community, but around the state."

Originally from Maine, Cole holds degrees from West Virginia University, Potomac State University, Michigan State University and a Master of Music from MSU. He began teaching in Corunna Public Schools in the 1950s, before coming to St. Johns.

It was during his tenure at Corunna that Cole met – and served as an inspiration for -another SJ music icon, Gordon Vandemark.

"I had a chance to make his acquaintance when I was a student during visiting performances at Corunna, and we saw each other during the time I was a student at CMU," the former SJPS vocal music director said. "Later, after Walt came to St. Johns, he called me in 1964 about the vocal music opening here. I came to St. Johns and interviewed at his encouragement – and have never been sorry about that decision.

"Walt is just a very special individual. He loves kids and music, and is such a positive person. He’s been a tremendous mentor to young teachers going into the field of music education – he’s been a true inspiration to many, many people."

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In addition to his work with the band program at SJHS, Cole served for a number of years as a judge at festivals of the Michigan State Band and Orchestra Association, and was instrumental in work with the Michigan Lions All-State Band. He was named the Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association Band Director of the Year in 1985.

As part of the special evening honoring Cole, former students and band members are invited to form a receiving line along the football sideline to greet him following the pre-game ceremony.

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Walt Cole greets former band director Frank Jilka during the Mint Festival Parade, 2002 while Charlie Ernst looks on.